readme2014.txt 30 KB

  1. The Lahman Baseball Database
  2. 2014 Version
  3. Release Date: January 24, 2015
  4. ----------------------------------------------------------------------
  6. 0.1 Copyright Notice
  7. 0.2 Contact Information
  8. 1.0 Release Contents
  9. 1.1 Introduction
  10. 1.2 What's New
  11. 1.3 Acknowledgements
  12. 1.4 Using this Database
  13. 1.5 Revision History
  14. 2.0 Data Tables
  15. 2.1 MASTER table
  16. 2.2 Batting Table
  17. 2.3 Pitching table
  18. 2.4 Fielding Table
  19. 2.5 All-Star table
  20. 2.6 Hall of Fame table
  21. 2.7 Managers table
  22. 2.8 Teams table
  23. 2.9 BattingPost table
  24. 2.10 PitchingPost table
  25. 2.11 TeamFranchises table
  26. 2.12 FieldingOF table
  27. 2.13 ManagersHalf table
  28. 2.14 TeamsHalf table
  29. 2.15 Salaries table
  30. 2.16 SeriesPost table
  31. 2.17 AwardsManagers table
  32. 2.18 AwardsPlayers table
  33. 2.19 AwardsShareManagers table
  34. 2.20 AwardsSharePlayers table
  35. 2.21 FieldingPost table
  36. 2.22 Appearances table
  37. 2.23 Schools table
  38. 2.24 SchoolsPlayers table
  39. ----------------------------------------------------------------------
  40. 0.1 Copyright Notice & Limited Use License
  41. This database is copyright 1996-2015 by Sean Lahman.
  42. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. For details see:
  43. For licensing information or further information, contact Sean Lahman
  44. at:
  45. ----------------------------------------------------------------------
  46. 0.2 Contact Information
  47. Web site:
  48. E-Mail :
  49. If you're interested in contributing to the maintenance of this
  50. database or making suggestions for improvement, please consider
  51. joining our mailinglist at:
  53. If you are interested in similar databases for other sports, please
  54. vist the Open Source Sports website at
  55. ----------------------------------------------------------------------
  56. 1.0 Release Contents
  57. This release of the database can be downloaded in several formats. The
  58. contents of each version are listed below.
  59. MS Access Versions:
  60. lahman2014.mdb
  61. 2014readme.txt
  62. SQL version
  63. lahman2043.sql
  64. lahman2014_tables.sql
  65. 2014readme.txt
  66. Comma Delimited Version:
  67. 2014readme.txt
  68. AllStarFull.csv
  69. Appearances.csv
  70. AwardsManagers.csv
  71. AwardsPlayers.csv
  72. AwardsShareManagers.csv
  73. AwardsSharePlayers.csv
  74. Batting.csv
  75. BattingPost.csv
  76. CollegePlaying.csv
  77. Fielding.csv
  78. FieldingOF.csv
  79. FieldingPost.csv
  80. HallOfFame.csv
  81. Managers.csv
  82. ManagersHalf.csv
  83. Master.csv
  84. Pitching.csv
  85. PitchingPost.csv
  86. Salaries.csv
  87. Schools.csv
  88. SeriesPost.csv
  89. Teams.csv
  90. TeamsFranchises.csv
  91. TeamsHalf.csv
  92. ----------------------------------------------------------------------
  93. 1.1 Introduction
  94. This database contains pitching, hitting, and fielding statistics for
  95. Major League Baseball from 1871 through 2014. It includes data from
  96. the two current leagues (American and National), the four other "major"
  97. leagues (American Association, Union Association, Players League, and
  98. Federal League), and the National Association of 1871-1875.
  99. This database was created by Sean Lahman, who pioneered the effort to
  100. make baseball statistics freely available to the general public. What
  101. started as a one man effort in 1994 has grown tremendously, and now a
  102. team of researchers have collected their efforts to make this the
  103. largest and most accurate source for baseball statistics available
  104. anywhere. (See Acknowledgements below for a list of the key
  105. contributors to this project.)
  106. None of what we have done would have been possible without the
  107. pioneering work of Hy Turkin, S.C. Thompson, David Neft, and Pete
  108. Palmer (among others). All baseball fans owe a debt of gratitude
  109. to the people who have worked so hard to build the tremendous set
  110. of data that we have today. Our thanks also to the many members of
  111. the Society for American Baseball Research who have helped us over
  112. the years. We strongly urge you to support and join their efforts.
  113. Please vist their website (
  114. If you have any problems or find any errors, please let us know. Any
  115. feedback is appreciated
  116. ----------------------------------------------------------------------
  117. 1.2 What's New in 2014
  118. Player stats have been updated through 2014 season.
  119. Removed two deprecated fields from the batting table. The G_batting and
  120. G_old fields were rendered obsolete when we created the appearances table.
  121. They've beenremoved from the batting table starting with this version
  122. SchoolsPlayers has been replaced with a new table called CollegePlaying.
  123. This reflects advances in the compilation of this data, largely led by
  124. Ted Turocy. The old table reported college attendance for major league
  125. players by listing a start date and end date. The new version has a
  126. separate record for each year that a player attended. This allows
  127. us to better account for players who attended multiple colleges or
  128. skipped a season, as well as to identify teammates.
  129. ----------------------------------------------------------------------
  130. 1.3 Acknowledgements
  131. Much of the raw data contained in this database comes from the work of
  132. Pete Palmer, the legendary statistician, who has had a hand in most
  133. of the baseball encylopedias published since 1974. He is largely
  134. responsible for bringing the batting, pitching, and fielding data out
  135. of the dark ages and into the computer era. Without him, none of this
  136. would be possible. For more on Pete's work, please read his own
  137. account at:
  138. Three people have been key contributors to the work that followed, first
  139. by taking the raw data and creating a relational database, and later
  140. by extending the database to make it more accesible to researchers.
  141. Sean Lahman launched the Baseball Archive's website back before
  142. most people had heard of the world wide web. Frustrated by the
  143. lack of sports data available, he led the effort to build a
  144. baseball database that everyone could use. Baseball researchers
  145. everywhere owe him a debt of gratitude. Lahman served as an associate
  146. editor for three editions of Total Baseball and contributed to five
  147. editions of The ESPN Baseball Encyclopedia. He has also been active in
  148. developing databases for other sports.
  149. The work of Sean Forman to create and maintain an online encyclopedia
  150. at "" has been remarkable. Recognized as the
  151. premier online reference source, Forman's site provides an oustanding
  152. interface to the raw data. His efforts to help streamline the database
  153. have been extremely helpful. Most importantly, Forman has spearheaded
  154. the effort to provide standards that enable several different baseball
  155. databases to be used together. He was also instrumental in launching
  156. the Baseball Databank, a forum for researchers to gather and share
  157. their work.
  158. Since 2001, these two Seans have led a group of researchers
  159. who volunteered to maintain and update the database.
  160. Ted Turocy has done the lion's share of the work to updating the main
  161. data tables since 2012, including significant imporvements to the
  162. demographic data in the master table. In his role as SABR data czar,
  163. he led the effort to document college playing stints for all
  164. major league players. Turocy also spearheads the Chadwick Baseball
  165. Bureau. For more details on his tools and services, visit:
  167. A handful of researchers have made substantial contributions to
  168. maintain this database over years. Listed alphabetically, they
  169. are: Derek Adair, Mike Crain, Kevin Johnson, Rod Nelson, Tom Tango,
  170. and Paul Wendt. These folks did much of the heavy lifting, and are
  171. largely responsible for the improvements made since 2000.
  172. Others who made important contributions include: Dvd Avins,
  173. Clifford Blau, Bill Burgess, Clem Comly, Jeff Burk, Randy Cox,
  174. Mitch Dickerman, Paul DuBois, Mike Emeigh, F.X. Flinn, Bill Hickman,
  175. Jerry Hoffman, Dan Holmes, Micke Hovmoller, Peter Kreutzer,
  176. Danile Levine, Bruce Macleod, Ken Matinale, Michael Mavrogiannis,
  177. Cliff Otto, Alberto Perdomo, Dave Quinn, John Rickert, Tom Ruane,
  178. Theron Skyles, Hans Van Slooten, Michael Westbay, and Rob Wood.
  179. Many other people have made significant contributions to the database
  180. over the years. The contribution of Tom Ruane's effort to the overall
  181. quality of the underlying data has been tremendous. His work at
  182. integrates the yearly data with the day-by-day data,
  183. creating a reference source of startling depth. It is unlikely than
  184. any individual has contributed as much to the field of baseball
  185. research in the past five years as Ruane has.
  186. Sean Holtz helped with a major overhaul and redesign before the
  187. 2000 season. Keith Woolner was instrumental in helping turn
  188. a huge collection of stats into a relational database in the mid-1990s.
  189. Clifford Otto & Ted Nye also helped provide guidance to the early
  190. versions. Lee Sinnis, John Northey & Erik Greenwood helped supply key
  191. pieces of data. Many others have written in with corrections and
  192. suggestions that made each subsequent version even better than what
  193. preceded it.
  194. The work of the SABR Baseball Records Committee, led by Lyle Spatz
  195. has been invaluable. So has the work of Bill Carle and the SABR
  196. Biographical Committee. David Vincent, keeper of the Home Run Log and
  197. other bits of hard to find info, has always been helpful. The recent
  198. addition of colleges to player bios is the result of much research by
  199. members of SABR's Collegiate Baseball committee.
  200. Salary data was first supplied by Doug Pappas, who passed away during
  201. the summer of 2004. He was the leading authority on many subjects,
  202. most significantly the financial history of Major League Baseball.
  203. We are grateful that he allowed us to include some of the data he
  204. compiled. His work has been continued by the SABR Business of
  205. Baseball committee.
  206. Thanks is also due to the staff at the National Baseball Library
  207. in Cooperstown who have been so helpful over the years, including
  208. Tim Wiles, Jim Gates, Bruce Markusen, and the rest of the staff.
  209. A special debt of gratitude is owed to Dave Smith and the folks at
  210. Retrosheet. There is no other group working so hard to compile and
  211. share baseball data. Their website ( will give
  212. you a taste of the wealth of information Dave and the gang have collected.
  213. Thanks to all contributors great and small. What you have created is
  214. a wonderful thing.
  215. ----------------------------------------------------------------------
  216. 1.4 Using this Database
  217. This version of the database is available in Microsoft Access
  218. format, SQL files or in a generic, comma delimited format. Because this is a
  219. relational database, you will not be able to use the data in a
  220. flat-database application.
  221. Please note that this is not a stand alone application. It requires
  222. a database application or some other application designed specifically
  223. to interact with the database.
  224. If you are unable to import the data directly, you should download the
  225. database in the delimted text format. Then use the documentation
  226. in sections 2.1 through 2.22 of this document to import the data into
  227. your database application.
  228. ----------------------------------------------------------------------
  229. 1.5 Revision History
  230. Version Date Comments
  231. 1.0 December 1992 Database ported from dBase
  232. 1.1 May 1993 Becomes fully relational
  233. 1.2 July 1993 Corrections made to full database
  234. 1.21 December 1993 1993 statistics added
  235. 1.3 July 1994 Pre-1900 data added
  236. 1.31 February 1995 1994 Statistics added
  237. 1.32 August 1995 Statistics added for other leagues
  238. 1.4 September 1995 Fielding Data added
  239. 1.41 November 1995 1995 statistics added
  240. 1.42 March 1996 HOF/All-Star tables added
  241. 1.5-MS October 1996 1st public release - MS Access format
  242. 1.5-GV October 1996 Released generic comma-delimted files
  243. 1.6-MS December 1996 Updated with 1996 stats, some corrections
  244. 1.61-MS December 1996 Corrected error in MASTER table
  245. 1.62 February 1997 Corrected 1914-1915 batters data and updated
  246. 2.0 February 1998 Major Revisions-added teams & managers
  247. 2.1 October 1998 Interim release w/1998 stats
  248. 2.2 January 1999 New release w/post-season stats & awards added
  249. 3.0 November 1999 Major release - fixed errors and 1999 statistics added
  250. 4.0 May 2001 Major release - proofed & redesigned tables
  251. 4.5 March 2002 Updated with 2001 stats and added new biographical data
  252. 5.0 December 2002 Major revision - new tables and data
  253. 5.1 January 2004 Updated with 2003 data, and new pitching categories
  254. 5.2 November 2004 Updated with 2004 season statistics.
  255. 5.3 December 2005 Updated with 2005 season statistics.
  256. 5.4 December 2006 Updated with 2006 season statistics.
  257. 5.5 December 2007 Updated with 2007 season statistics.
  258. 5.6 December 2008 Updated with 2008 season statistics.
  259. 5.7 December 2009 Updated for 2009 and added several tables.
  260. 5.8 December 2010 Updated with 2010 season statistics.
  261. 5.9 December 2011 Updated for 2011 and removed obsolete tables.
  262. 2012 December 2012 Updated with 2012 season statistics
  263. 2013 December 2013 Updated with 2013 season statistics
  264. 2014 December 2014 Updated with 2013 season statistics
  265. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  266. 2.0 Data Tables
  267. The design follows these general principles. Each player is assigned a
  268. unique number (playerID). All of the information relating to that player
  269. is tagged with his playerID. The playerIDs are linked to names and
  270. birthdates in the MASTER table.
  271. The database is comprised of the following main tables:
  272. MASTER - Player names, DOB, and biographical info
  273. Batting - batting statistics
  274. Pitching - pitching statistics
  275. Fielding - fielding statistics
  276. It is supplemented by these tables:
  277. AllStarFull - All-Star appearances
  278. HallofFame - Hall of Fame voting data
  279. Managers - managerial statistics
  280. Teams - yearly stats and standings
  281. BattingPost - post-season batting statistics
  282. PitchingPost - post-season pitching statistics
  283. TeamFranchises - franchise information
  284. FieldingOF - outfield position data
  285. FieldingPost- post-season fieldinf data
  286. ManagersHalf - split season data for managers
  287. TeamsHalf - split season data for teams
  288. Salaries - player salary data
  289. SeriesPost - post-season series information
  290. AwardsManagers - awards won by managers
  291. AwardsPlayers - awards won by players
  292. AwardsShareManagers - award voting for manager awards
  293. AwardsSharePlayers - award voting for player awards
  294. Appearances - details on the positions a player appeared at
  295. Schools - list of colleges that players attended
  296. CollegePlaying - list of players and the colleges they attended
  297. Sections 2.1 through 2.24 of this document describe each of the tables in
  298. detail and the fields that each contains.
  299. --------------------------------------------------------------------------
  300. 2.1 MASTER table
  301. playerID A unique code asssigned to each player. The playerID links
  302. the data in this file with records in the other files.
  303. birthYear Year player was born
  304. birthMonth Month player was born
  305. birthDay Day player was born
  306. birthCountry Country where player was born
  307. birthState State where player was born
  308. birthCity City where player was born
  309. deathYear Year player died
  310. deathMonth Month player died
  311. deathDay Day player died
  312. deathCountry Country where player died
  313. deathState State where player died
  314. deathCity City where player died
  315. nameFirst Player's first name
  316. nameLast Player's last name
  317. nameGiven Player's given name (typically first and middle)
  318. weight Player's weight in pounds
  319. height Player's height in inches
  320. bats Player's batting hand (left, right, or both)
  321. throws Player's throwing hand (left or right)
  322. debut Date that player made first major league appearance
  323. finalGame Date that player made first major league appearance (blank if still active)
  324. retroID ID used by retrosheet
  325. bbrefID ID used by Baseball Reference website
  326. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  327. 2.2 Batting Table
  328. playerID Player ID code
  329. yearID Year
  330. stint player's stint (order of appearances within a season)
  331. teamID Team
  332. lgID League
  333. G Games
  334. AB At Bats
  335. R Runs
  336. H Hits
  337. 2B Doubles
  338. 3B Triples
  339. HR Homeruns
  340. RBI Runs Batted In
  341. SB Stolen Bases
  342. CS Caught Stealing
  343. BB Base on Balls
  344. SO Strikeouts
  345. IBB Intentional walks
  346. HBP Hit by pitch
  347. SH Sacrifice hits
  348. SF Sacrifice flies
  349. GIDP Grounded into double plays
  350. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  351. 2.3 Pitching table
  352. playerID Player ID code
  353. yearID Year
  354. stint player's stint (order of appearances within a season)
  355. teamID Team
  356. lgID League
  357. W Wins
  358. L Losses
  359. G Games
  360. GS Games Started
  361. CG Complete Games
  362. SHO Shutouts
  363. SV Saves
  364. IPOuts Outs Pitched (innings pitched x 3)
  365. H Hits
  366. ER Earned Runs
  367. HR Homeruns
  368. BB Walks
  369. SO Strikeouts
  370. BAOpp Opponent's Batting Average
  371. ERA Earned Run Average
  372. IBB Intentional Walks
  373. WP Wild Pitches
  374. HBP Batters Hit By Pitch
  375. BK Balks
  376. BFP Batters faced by Pitcher
  377. GF Games Finished
  378. R Runs Allowed
  379. SH Sacrifices by opposing batters
  380. SF Sacrifice flies by opposing batters
  381. GIDP Grounded into double plays by opposing batter
  382. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  383. 2.4 Fielding Table
  384. playerID Player ID code
  385. yearID Year
  386. stint player's stint (order of appearances within a season)
  387. teamID Team
  388. lgID League
  389. Pos Position
  390. G Games
  391. GS Games Started
  392. InnOuts Time played in the field expressed as outs
  393. PO Putouts
  394. A Assists
  395. E Errors
  396. DP Double Plays
  397. PB Passed Balls (by catchers)
  398. WP Wild Pitches (by catchers)
  399. SB Opponent Stolen Bases (by catchers)
  400. CS Opponents Caught Stealing (by catchers)
  401. ZR Zone Rating
  402. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  403. 2.5 AllstarFull table
  404. playerID Player ID code
  405. YearID Year
  406. gameNum Game number (zero if only one All-Star game played that season)
  407. gameID Retrosheet ID for the game idea
  408. teamID Team
  409. lgID League
  410. GP 1 if Played in the game
  411. startingPos If player was game starter, the position played
  412. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  413. 2.6 HallOfFame table
  414. playerID Player ID code
  415. yearID Year of ballot
  416. votedBy Method by which player was voted upon
  417. ballots Total ballots cast in that year
  418. needed Number of votes needed for selection in that year
  419. votes Total votes received
  420. inducted Whether player was inducted by that vote or not (Y or N)
  421. category Category in which candidate was honored
  422. needed_note Explanation of qualifiers for special elections
  423. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  424. 2.7 Managers table
  425. playerID Player ID Number
  426. yearID Year
  427. teamID Team
  428. lgID League
  429. inseason Managerial order. Zero if the individual managed the team
  430. the entire year. Otherwise denotes where the manager appeared
  431. in the managerial order (1 for first manager, 2 for second, etc.)
  432. G Games managed
  433. W Wins
  434. L Losses
  435. rank Team's final position in standings that year
  436. plyrMgr Player Manager (denoted by 'Y')
  437. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  438. 2.8 Teams table
  439. yearID Year
  440. lgID League
  441. teamID Team
  442. franchID Franchise (links to TeamsFranchise table)
  443. divID Team's division
  444. Rank Position in final standings
  445. G Games played
  446. GHome Games played at home
  447. W Wins
  448. L Losses
  449. DivWin Division Winner (Y or N)
  450. WCWin Wild Card Winner (Y or N)
  451. LgWin League Champion(Y or N)
  452. WSWin World Series Winner (Y or N)
  453. R Runs scored
  454. AB At bats
  455. H Hits by batters
  456. 2B Doubles
  457. 3B Triples
  458. HR Homeruns by batters
  459. BB Walks by batters
  460. SO Strikeouts by batters
  461. SB Stolen bases
  462. CS Caught stealing
  463. HBP Batters hit by pitch
  464. SF Sacrifice flies
  465. RA Opponents runs scored
  466. ER Earned runs allowed
  467. ERA Earned run average
  468. CG Complete games
  469. SHO Shutouts
  470. SV Saves
  471. IPOuts Outs Pitched (innings pitched x 3)
  472. HA Hits allowed
  473. HRA Homeruns allowed
  474. BBA Walks allowed
  475. SOA Strikeouts by pitchers
  476. E Errors
  477. DP Double Plays
  478. FP Fielding percentage
  479. name Team's full name
  480. park Name of team's home ballpark
  481. attendance Home attendance total
  482. BPF Three-year park factor for batters
  483. PPF Three-year park factor for pitchers
  484. teamIDBR Team ID used by Baseball Reference website
  485. teamIDlahman45 Team ID used in Lahman database version 4.5
  486. teamIDretro Team ID used by Retrosheet
  487. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  488. 2.9 BattingPost table
  489. yearID Year
  490. round Level of playoffs
  491. playerID Player ID code
  492. teamID Team
  493. lgID League
  494. G Games
  495. AB At Bats
  496. R Runs
  497. H Hits
  498. 2B Doubles
  499. 3B Triples
  500. HR Homeruns
  501. RBI Runs Batted In
  502. SB Stolen Bases
  503. CS Caught stealing
  504. BB Base on Balls
  505. SO Strikeouts
  506. IBB Intentional walks
  507. HBP Hit by pitch
  508. SH Sacrifices
  509. SF Sacrifice flies
  510. GIDP Grounded into double plays
  511. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  512. 2.10 PitchingPost table
  513. playerID Player ID code
  514. yearID Year
  515. round Level of playoffs
  516. teamID Team
  517. lgID League
  518. W Wins
  519. L Losses
  520. G Games
  521. GS Games Started
  522. CG Complete Games
  523. SHO Shutouts
  524. SV Saves
  525. IPOuts Outs Pitched (innings pitched x 3)
  526. H Hits
  527. ER Earned Runs
  528. HR Homeruns
  529. BB Walks
  530. SO Strikeouts
  531. BAOpp Opponents' batting average
  532. ERA Earned Run Average
  533. IBB Intentional Walks
  534. WP Wild Pitches
  535. HBP Batters Hit By Pitch
  536. BK Balks
  537. BFP Batters faced by Pitcher
  538. GF Games Finished
  539. R Runs Allowed
  540. SH Sacrifice Hits allowed
  541. SF Sacrifice Flies allowed
  542. GIDP Grounded into Double Plays
  543. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  544. 2.11 TeamFranchises table
  545. franchID Franchise ID
  546. franchName Franchise name
  547. active Whetehr team is currently active (Y or N)
  548. NAassoc ID of National Association team franchise played as
  549. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  550. 2.12 FieldingOF table
  551. playerID Player ID code
  552. yearID Year
  553. stint player's stint (order of appearances within a season)
  554. Glf Games played in left field
  555. Gcf Games played in center field
  556. Grf Games played in right field
  557. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  558. 2.13 ManagersHalf table
  559. playerID Manager ID code
  560. yearID Year
  561. teamID Team
  562. lgID League
  563. inseason Managerial order. One if the individual managed the team
  564. the entire year. Otherwise denotes where the manager appeared
  565. in the managerial order (1 for first manager, 2 for second, etc.)
  566. half First or second half of season
  567. G Games managed
  568. W Wins
  569. L Losses
  570. rank Team's position in standings for the half
  571. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  572. 2.14 TeamsHalf table
  573. yearID Year
  574. lgID League
  575. teamID Team
  576. half First or second half of season
  577. divID Division
  578. DivWin Won Division (Y or N)
  579. rank Team's position in standings for the half
  580. G Games played
  581. W Wins
  582. L Losses
  583. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  584. 2.15 Salaries table
  585. yearID Year
  586. teamID Team
  587. lgID League
  588. playerID Player ID code
  589. salary Salary
  590. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  591. 2.16 SeriesPost table
  592. yearID Year
  593. round Level of playoffs
  594. teamIDwinner Team ID of the team that won the series
  595. lgIDwinner League ID of the team that won the series
  596. teamIDloser Team ID of the team that lost the series
  597. lgIDloser League ID of the team that lost the series
  598. wins Wins by team that won the series
  599. losses Losses by team that won the series
  600. ties Tie games
  601. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  602. 2.17 AwardsManagers table
  603. playerID Manager ID code
  604. awardID Name of award won
  605. yearID Year
  606. lgID League
  607. tie Award was a tie (Y or N)
  608. notes Notes about the award
  609. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  610. 2.18 AwardsPlayers table
  611. playerID Player ID code
  612. awardID Name of award won
  613. yearID Year
  614. lgID League
  615. tie Award was a tie (Y or N)
  616. notes Notes about the award
  617. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  618. 2.19 AwardsShareManagers table
  619. awardID name of award votes were received for
  620. yearID Year
  621. lgID League
  622. playerID Manager ID code
  623. pointsWon Number of points received
  624. pointsMax Maximum numner of points possible
  625. votesFirst Number of first place votes
  626. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  627. 2.20 AwardsSharePlayers table
  628. awardID name of award votes were received for
  629. yearID Year
  630. lgID League
  631. playerID Player ID code
  632. pointsWon Number of points received
  633. pointsMax Maximum numner of points possible
  634. votesFirst Number of first place votes
  635. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  636. 2.21 FieldingPost table
  637. playerID Player ID code
  638. yearID Year
  639. teamID Team
  640. lgID League
  641. round Level of playoffs
  642. Pos Position
  643. G Games
  644. GS Games Started
  645. InnOuts Time played in the field expressed as outs
  646. PO Putouts
  647. A Assists
  648. E Errors
  649. DP Double Plays
  650. TP Triple Plays
  651. PB Passed Balls
  652. SB Stolen Bases allowed (by catcher)
  653. CS Caught Stealing (by catcher)
  654. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  655. 2.22 Appearances table
  656. yearID Year
  657. teamID Team
  658. lgID League
  659. playerID Player ID code
  660. G_all Total games played
  661. GS Games started
  662. G_batting Games in which player batted
  663. G_defense Games in which player appeared on defense
  664. G_p Games as pitcher
  665. G_c Games as catcher
  666. G_1b Games as firstbaseman
  667. G_2b Games as secondbaseman
  668. G_3b Games as thirdbaseman
  669. G_ss Games as shortstop
  670. G_lf Games as leftfielder
  671. G_cf Games as centerfielder
  672. G_rf Games as right fielder
  673. G_of Games as outfielder
  674. G_dh Games as designated hitter
  675. G_ph Games as pinch hitter
  676. G_pr Games as pinch runner
  677. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  678. 2.23 Schools table
  679. schoolID school ID code
  680. schoolName school name
  681. schoolCity city where school is located
  682. schoolState state where school's city is located
  683. schoolNick nickname for school's baseball team
  684. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  685. 2.24 CollegePlaying table
  686. playerid Player ID code
  687. schoolID school ID code
  688. year year
  689. <end of file>