# Exploratory Data Analysis This repository contains the supplementary material to my talk delivered at [PyData Delhi MeetUp #23](https://www.meetup.com/PyDataDelhi/events/250848697/). ![Image of Me Presenting](/Presenting.jpg) ## Contents The idea behind the talk was to explain the ideology behind Exploratory Data Analysis and why it is essential for any Data Science project. - The *slides* can be viewed at http://bit.ly/SuriEDAPyData. - The *proposal* can be viewed at https://github.com/pydatadelhi/talks/issues/68. The talk included a lot of content from the following projects: 1. [Investigating Factors Affecting Wine Quality](https://github.com/pranavsuri/PyData-EDA/tree/master/Investigating%20Factors%20Affecting%20Red%20Wine%20Quality): This project investigates a dataset using EDA to find chemical properties that affect red wine quality. You can follow this project on my [blog](https://pranavsuri.com/2018/02/whats-in-a-good-red-wine/) as well. 2. [Identifying Fraud from Enron Email Dataset](https://github.com/pranavsuri/PyData-EDA/tree/master/Identifying%20Fraud%20from%20Enron%20Email%20Dataset): This project includes a section which uses EDA to remove outliers. ## Message The meet-up was a great experience as I met some amazing people. I certainly look forward to collaborating on new projects. One of the ideas I have is to explore datasets on different beverages (such as [white wine](https://archive.ics.uci.edu/ml/datasets/wine+quality)) or maybe some food items. ## License [MIT License © Pranav Suri](/License.txt)