import numpy as np import tensorflow as tf from tensorflow.contrib import rnn def _print_success_message(): print('Tests Passed') def test_create_lookup_tables(create_lookup_tables): with tf.Graph().as_default(): test_text = ''' Moe_Szyslak Moe's Tavern Where the elite meet to drink Bart_Simpson Eh yeah hello is Mike there Last name Rotch Moe_Szyslak Hold on I'll check Mike Rotch Mike Rotch Hey has anybody seen Mike Rotch lately Moe_Szyslak Listen you little puke One of these days I'm gonna catch you and I'm gonna carve my name on your back with an ice pick Moe_Szyslak Whats the matter Homer You're not your normal effervescent self Homer_Simpson I got my problems Moe Give me another one Moe_Szyslak Homer hey you should not drink to forget your problems Barney_Gumble Yeah you should only drink to enhance your social skills''' test_text = test_text.lower() test_text = test_text.split() vocab_to_int, int_to_vocab = create_lookup_tables(test_text) # Check types assert isinstance(vocab_to_int, dict),\ 'vocab_to_int is not a dictionary.' assert isinstance(int_to_vocab, dict),\ 'int_to_vocab is not a dictionary.' # Compare lengths of dicts assert len(vocab_to_int) == len(int_to_vocab),\ 'Length of vocab_to_int and int_to_vocab don\'t match. ' \ 'vocab_to_int is length {}. int_to_vocab is length {}'.format(len(vocab_to_int), len(int_to_vocab)) # Make sure the dicts have the same words vocab_to_int_word_set = set(vocab_to_int.keys()) int_to_vocab_word_set = set(int_to_vocab.values()) assert not (vocab_to_int_word_set - int_to_vocab_word_set),\ 'vocab_to_int and int_to_vocab don\'t have the same words.' \ '{} found in vocab_to_int, but not in int_to_vocab'.format(vocab_to_int_word_set - int_to_vocab_word_set) assert not (int_to_vocab_word_set - vocab_to_int_word_set),\ 'vocab_to_int and int_to_vocab don\'t have the same words.' \ '{} found in int_to_vocab, but not in vocab_to_int'.format(int_to_vocab_word_set - vocab_to_int_word_set) # Make sure the dicts have the same word ids vocab_to_int_word_id_set = set(vocab_to_int.values()) int_to_vocab_word_id_set = set(int_to_vocab.keys()) assert not (vocab_to_int_word_id_set - int_to_vocab_word_id_set),\ 'vocab_to_int and int_to_vocab don\'t contain the same word ids.' \ '{} found in vocab_to_int, but not in int_to_vocab'.format(vocab_to_int_word_id_set - int_to_vocab_word_id_set) assert not (int_to_vocab_word_id_set - vocab_to_int_word_id_set),\ 'vocab_to_int and int_to_vocab don\'t contain the same word ids.' \ '{} found in int_to_vocab, but not in vocab_to_int'.format(int_to_vocab_word_id_set - vocab_to_int_word_id_set) # Make sure the dicts make the same lookup missmatches = [(word, id, id, int_to_vocab[id]) for word, id in vocab_to_int.items() if int_to_vocab[id] != word] assert not missmatches,\ 'Found {} missmatche(s). First missmatch: vocab_to_int[{}] = {} and int_to_vocab[{}] = {}'.format( len(missmatches), *missmatches[0]) assert len(vocab_to_int) > len(set(test_text))/2,\ 'The length of vocab seems too small. Found a length of {}'.format(len(vocab_to_int)) _print_success_message() def test_get_batches(get_batches): with tf.Graph().as_default(): test_batch_size = 128 test_seq_length = 5 test_int_text = list(range(1000*test_seq_length)) batches = get_batches(test_int_text, test_batch_size, test_seq_length) # Check type assert isinstance(batches, np.ndarray),\ 'Batches is not a Numpy array' # Check shape assert batches.shape == (7, 2, 128, 5),\ 'Batches returned wrong shape. Found {}'.format(batches.shape) for x in range(batches.shape[2]): assert np.array_equal(batches[0,0,x], np.array(range(x * 35, x * 35 + batches.shape[3]))),\ 'Batches returned wrong contents. For example, input sequence {} in the first batch was {}'.format(x, batches[0,0,x]) assert np.array_equal(batches[0,1,x], np.array(range(x * 35 + 1, x * 35 + 1 + batches.shape[3]))),\ 'Batches returned wrong contents. For example, target sequence {} in the first batch was {}'.format(x, batches[0,1,x]) last_seq_target = (test_batch_size-1) * 35 + 31 last_seq = np.array(range(last_seq_target, last_seq_target+ batches.shape[3])) last_seq[-1] = batches[0,0,0,0] assert np.array_equal(batches[-1,1,-1], last_seq),\ 'The last target of the last batch should be the first input of the first batch. Found {} but expected {}'.format(batches[-1,1,-1], last_seq) _print_success_message() def test_tokenize(token_lookup): with tf.Graph().as_default(): symbols = set(['.', ',', '"', ';', '!', '?', '(', ')', '--', '\n']) token_dict = token_lookup() # Check type assert isinstance(token_dict, dict), \ 'Returned type is {}.'.format(type(token_dict)) # Check symbols missing_symbols = symbols - set(token_dict.keys()) unknown_symbols = set(token_dict.keys()) - symbols assert not missing_symbols, \ 'Missing symbols: {}'.format(missing_symbols) assert not unknown_symbols, \ 'Unknown symbols: {}'.format(unknown_symbols) # Check values type bad_value_type = [type(val) for val in token_dict.values() if not isinstance(val, str)] assert not bad_value_type,\ 'Found token as {} type.'.format(bad_value_type[0]) # Check for spaces key_has_spaces = [k for k in token_dict.keys() if ' ' in k] val_has_spaces = [val for val in token_dict.values() if ' ' in val] assert not key_has_spaces,\ 'The key "{}" includes spaces. Remove spaces from keys and values'.format(key_has_spaces[0]) assert not val_has_spaces,\ 'The value "{}" includes spaces. Remove spaces from keys and values'.format(val_has_spaces[0]) # Check for symbols in values symbol_val = () for symbol in symbols: for val in token_dict.values(): if symbol in val: symbol_val = (symbol, val) assert not symbol_val,\ 'Don\'t use a symbol that will be replaced in your tokens. Found the symbol {} in value {}'.format(*symbol_val) _print_success_message() def test_get_inputs(get_inputs): with tf.Graph().as_default(): input_data, targets, lr = get_inputs() # Check type assert input_data.op.type == 'Placeholder',\ 'Input not a Placeholder.' assert targets.op.type == 'Placeholder',\ 'Targets not a Placeholder.' assert lr.op.type == 'Placeholder',\ 'Learning Rate not a Placeholder.' # Check name assert == 'input:0',\ 'Input has bad name. Found name {}'.format( # Check rank input_rank = 0 if input_data.get_shape() == None else len(input_data.get_shape()) targets_rank = 0 if targets.get_shape() == None else len(targets.get_shape()) lr_rank = 0 if lr.get_shape() == None else len(lr.get_shape()) assert input_rank == 2,\ 'Input has wrong rank. Rank {} found.'.format(input_rank) assert targets_rank == 2,\ 'Targets has wrong rank. Rank {} found.'.format(targets_rank) assert lr_rank == 0,\ 'Learning Rate has wrong rank. Rank {} found'.format(lr_rank) _print_success_message() def test_get_init_cell(get_init_cell): with tf.Graph().as_default(): test_batch_size_ph = tf.placeholder(tf.int32, []) test_rnn_size = 256 cell, init_state = get_init_cell(test_batch_size_ph, test_rnn_size) # Check type assert isinstance(cell, tf.contrib.rnn.MultiRNNCell),\ 'Cell is wrong type. Found {} type'.format(type(cell)) # Check for name attribute assert hasattr(init_state, 'name'),\ 'Initial state doesn\'t have the "name" attribute. Try using `tf.identity` to set the name.' # Check name assert == 'initial_state:0',\ 'Initial state doesn\'t have the correct name. Found the name {}'.format( _print_success_message() def test_get_embed(get_embed): with tf.Graph().as_default(): embed_shape = [50, 5, 256] test_input_data = tf.placeholder(tf.int32, embed_shape[:2]) test_vocab_size = 27 test_embed_dim = embed_shape[2] embed = get_embed(test_input_data, test_vocab_size, test_embed_dim) # Check shape assert embed.shape == embed_shape,\ 'Wrong shape. Found shape {}'.format(embed.shape) _print_success_message() def test_build_rnn(build_rnn): with tf.Graph().as_default(): test_rnn_size = 256 test_rnn_layer_size = 2 test_cell = rnn.MultiRNNCell([rnn.BasicLSTMCell(test_rnn_size) for _ in range(test_rnn_layer_size)]) test_inputs = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [None, None, test_rnn_size]) outputs, final_state = build_rnn(test_cell, test_inputs) # Check name assert hasattr(final_state, 'name'),\ 'Final state doesn\'t have the "name" attribute. Try using `tf.identity` to set the name.' assert == 'final_state:0',\ 'Final state doesn\'t have the correct name. Found the name {}'.format( # Check shape assert outputs.get_shape().as_list() == [None, None, test_rnn_size],\ 'Outputs has wrong shape. Found shape {}'.format(outputs.get_shape()) assert final_state.get_shape().as_list() == [test_rnn_layer_size, 2, None, test_rnn_size],\ 'Final state wrong shape. Found shape {}'.format(final_state.get_shape()) _print_success_message() def test_build_nn(build_nn): with tf.Graph().as_default(): test_input_data_shape = [128, 5] test_input_data = tf.placeholder(tf.int32, test_input_data_shape) test_rnn_size = 256 test_embed_dim = 300 test_rnn_layer_size = 2 test_vocab_size = 27 test_cell = rnn.MultiRNNCell([rnn.BasicLSTMCell(test_rnn_size) for _ in range(test_rnn_layer_size)]) logits, final_state = build_nn(test_cell, test_rnn_size, test_input_data, test_vocab_size, test_embed_dim) # Check name assert hasattr(final_state, 'name'), \ 'Final state doesn\'t have the "name" attribute. Are you using build_rnn?' assert == 'final_state:0', \ 'Final state doesn\'t have the correct name. Found the name {}. Are you using build_rnn?'.format( # Check Shape assert logits.get_shape().as_list() == test_input_data_shape + [test_vocab_size], \ 'Outputs has wrong shape. Found shape {}'.format(logits.get_shape()) assert final_state.get_shape().as_list() == [test_rnn_layer_size, 2, 128, test_rnn_size], \ 'Final state wrong shape. Found shape {}'.format(final_state.get_shape()) _print_success_message() def test_get_tensors(get_tensors): test_graph = tf.Graph() with test_graph.as_default(): test_input = tf.placeholder(tf.int32, name='input') test_initial_state = tf.placeholder(tf.int32, name='initial_state') test_final_state = tf.placeholder(tf.int32, name='final_state') test_probs = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, name='probs') input_text, initial_state, final_state, probs = get_tensors(test_graph) # Check correct tensor assert input_text == test_input,\ 'Test input is wrong tensor' assert initial_state == test_initial_state, \ 'Initial state is wrong tensor' assert final_state == test_final_state, \ 'Final state is wrong tensor' assert probs == test_probs, \ 'Probabilities is wrong tensor' _print_success_message() def test_pick_word(pick_word): with tf.Graph().as_default(): test_probabilities = np.array([0.1, 0.8, 0.05, 0.05]) test_int_to_vocab = {word_i: word for word_i, word in enumerate(['this', 'is', 'a', 'test'])} pred_word = pick_word(test_probabilities, test_int_to_vocab) # Check type assert isinstance(pred_word, str),\ 'Predicted word is wrong type. Found {} type.'.format(type(pred_word)) # Check word is from vocab assert pred_word in test_int_to_vocab.values(),\ 'Predicted word not found in int_to_vocab.' _print_success_message()