# P1: Test A Perceptual Phenomenon > In this project, Stroop Effect, a classic result of experimental psychology is verified using descriptive statistics and statistical testing. ## About In this project, a well-known phenomenon from experimental psychology called the Stroop Effect is investigated. #### The activities implemented in this project are: 1. Understand the steps of the experiment. 2. Create a hypothesis regarding the outcome of the task. 3. From the given data collected from others who have performed the test, compute some statistics describing the results. 4. Perform a statistical test (t-test) to test the hypothesis. 5. Interpret your results concerning the hypothesis. ## Learning Outcome This project helped me learn to identify the components of an experiment, how to use descriptive statistics to describe qualities of a sample, how to set up a hypothesis test, make inferences from a sample, and draw conclusions based on the results. ## Files - `Project_Report.pdf` – Main project report. - `Project_Report.docx` – Editable project report. - `stroop_data.csv` – Data investigated. ## License [Modified MIT License © Pranav Suri](/License.txt)