import numpy as np import pandas as pd import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import seaborn as sns def filter_data(data, condition): """ Remove elements that do not match the condition provided. Takes a data list as input and returns a filtered list. Conditions should be a list of strings of the following format: ' ' where the following operations are valid: >, <, >=, <=, ==, != Example: ["duration < 15", "start_city == 'San Francisco'"] """ # Only want to split on first two spaces separating field from operator and # operator from value: spaces within value should be retained. field, op, value = condition.split(" ", 2) # check if field is valid if field not in data.columns.values : raise Exception("'{}' is not a feature of the dataframe. Did you spell something wrong?".format(field)) # convert value into number or strip excess quotes if string try: value = float(value) except: value = value.strip("\'\"") # get booleans for filtering if op == ">": matches = data[field] > value elif op == "<": matches = data[field] < value elif op == ">=": matches = data[field] >= value elif op == "<=": matches = data[field] <= value elif op == "==": matches = data[field] == value elif op == "!=": matches = data[field] != value else: # catch invalid operation codes raise Exception("Invalid comparison operator. Only >, <, >=, <=, ==, != allowed.") # filter data and outcomes data = data[matches].reset_index(drop = True) return data def usage_stats(data, filters = [], verbose = True): """ Report number of trips and average trip duration for data points that meet specified filtering criteria. """ n_data_all = data.shape[0] # Apply filters to data for condition in filters: data = filter_data(data, condition) # Compute number of data points that met the filter criteria. n_data = data.shape[0] # Compute statistics for trip durations. duration_mean = data['duration'].mean() duration_qtiles = data['duration'].quantile([.25, .5, .75]).as_matrix() # Report computed statistics if verbosity is set to True (default). if verbose: if filters: print('There are {:d} data points ({:.2f}%) matching the filter criteria.'.format(n_data, 100. * n_data / n_data_all)) else: print('There are {:d} data points in the dataset.'.format(n_data)) print('The average duration of trips is {:.2f} minutes.'.format(duration_mean)) print('The median trip duration is {:.2f} minutes.'.format(duration_qtiles[1])) print('25% of trips are shorter than {:.2f} minutes.'.format(duration_qtiles[0])) print('25% of trips are longer than {:.2f} minutes.'.format(duration_qtiles[2])) # Return three-number summary return duration_qtiles def usage_plot(data, key = '', filters = [], **kwargs): """ Plot number of trips, given a feature of interest and any number of filters (including no filters). Function takes a number of optional arguments for plotting data on continuously-valued variables: - n_bins: number of bars (default = 10) - bin_width: width of each bar (default divides the range of the data by number of bins). "n_bins" and "bin_width" cannot be used simultaneously. - boundary: specifies where one of the bar edges will be placed; other bar edges will be placed around that value (may result in an additional bar being plotted). Can be used with "n_bins" and "bin_width". """ # Check that the key exists if not key: raise Exception("No key has been provided. Make sure you provide a variable on which to plot the data.") if key not in data.columns.values : raise Exception("'{}' is not a feature of the dataframe. Did you spell something wrong?".format(key)) # Apply filters to data for condition in filters: data = filter_data(data, condition) # Create plotting figure plt.figure(figsize=(8,6)) if isinstance(data[key][0] , str): # Categorical features # For strings, collect unique strings and then count number of # outcomes for survival and non-survival. # Summarize dataframe to get counts in each group data['count'] = 1 data = data.groupby(key, as_index = False).count() levels = data[key].unique() n_levels = len(levels) bar_width = 0.8 for i in range(n_levels): trips_bar = - bar_width/2, data.loc[i]['count'], width = bar_width) # add labels to ticks for each group of bars. plt.xticks(range(n_levels), levels) else: # Numeric features # For numbers, divide the range of data into bins and count # number of outcomes for survival and non-survival in each bin. # Set up bin boundaries for plotting if kwargs and 'n_bins' in kwargs and 'bin_width' in kwargs: raise Exception("Arguments 'n_bins' and 'bin_width' cannot be used simultaneously.") min_value = data[key].min() max_value = data[key].max() value_range = max_value - min_value n_bins = 10 bin_width = float(value_range) / n_bins if kwargs and 'n_bins' in kwargs: n_bins = int(kwargs['n_bins']) bin_width = float(value_range) / n_bins elif kwargs and 'bin_width' in kwargs: bin_width = kwargs['bin_width'] n_bins = int(np.ceil(float(value_range) / bin_width)) if kwargs and 'boundary' in kwargs: bound_factor = np.floor(( min_value - kwargs['boundary'] ) / bin_width) min_value = kwargs['boundary'] + bound_factor * bin_width if min_value + n_bins * bin_width <= max_value: n_bins += 1 bins = [i*bin_width + min_value for i in range(n_bins+1)] # plot the data plt.hist(data[key], bins = bins) # Common attributes for plot formatting key_name = ' '.join([x.capitalize() for x in key.split('_')]) plt.xlabel(key_name) plt.ylabel("Number of Trips") plt.title("Number of Trips by {:s}".format(key_name))