5.8 KB

  1. import argparse
  2. from timeit import default_timer as timer
  3. from import InstrumentedProblem
  4. from import (breadth_first_search, astar_search,
  5. breadth_first_tree_search, depth_first_graph_search, uniform_cost_search,
  6. greedy_best_first_graph_search, depth_limited_search,
  7. recursive_best_first_search)
  8. from my_air_cargo_problems import air_cargo_p1, air_cargo_p2, air_cargo_p3
  10. Select from the following list of air cargo problems. You may choose more than
  11. one by entering multiple selections separated by spaces.
  12. """
  14. Select from the following list of search functions. You may choose more than
  15. one by entering multiple selections separated by spaces.
  16. """
  17. INVALID_ARG_MSG = """
  18. You must either use the -m flag to run in manual mode, or use both the -p and
  19. -s flags to specify a list of problems and search algorithms to run. Valid
  20. choices for each include:
  21. """
  22. PROBLEMS = [["Air Cargo Problem 1", air_cargo_p1],
  23. ["Air Cargo Problem 2", air_cargo_p2],
  24. ["Air Cargo Problem 3", air_cargo_p3]]
  25. SEARCHES = [["breadth_first_search", breadth_first_search, ""],
  26. ['breadth_first_tree_search', breadth_first_tree_search, ""],
  27. ['depth_first_graph_search', depth_first_graph_search, ""],
  28. ['depth_limited_search', depth_limited_search, ""],
  29. ['uniform_cost_search', uniform_cost_search, ""],
  30. ['recursive_best_first_search', recursive_best_first_search, 'h_1'],
  31. ['greedy_best_first_graph_search', greedy_best_first_graph_search, 'h_1'],
  32. ['astar_search', astar_search, 'h_1'],
  33. ['astar_search', astar_search, 'h_ignore_preconditions'],
  34. ['astar_search', astar_search, 'h_pg_levelsum'],
  35. ]
  36. class PrintableProblem(InstrumentedProblem):
  37. """ InstrumentedProblem keeps track of stats during search, and this
  38. class modifies the print output of those statistics for air cargo
  39. problems.
  40. """
  41. def __repr__(self):
  42. return '{:^10d} {:^10d} {:^10d}'.format(self.succs, self.goal_tests, self.states)
  43. def run_search(problem, search_function, parameter=None):
  44. start = timer()
  45. ip = PrintableProblem(problem)
  46. if parameter is not None:
  47. node = search_function(ip, parameter)
  48. else:
  49. node = search_function(ip)
  50. end = timer()
  51. print("\nExpansions Goal Tests New Nodes")
  52. print("{}\n".format(ip))
  53. show_solution(node, end - start)
  54. print()
  55. def manual():
  57. for idx, (name, _) in enumerate(PROBLEMS):
  58. print(" {!s}. {}".format(idx+1, name))
  59. p_choices = input("> ").split()
  61. for idx, (name, _, heuristic) in enumerate(SEARCHES):
  62. print(" {!s}. {} {}".format(idx+1, name, heuristic))
  63. s_choices = input("> ").split()
  64. main(p_choices, s_choices)
  65. print("\nYou can run this selection again automatically from the command " +
  66. "line\nwith the following command:")
  67. print("\n python {} -p {} -s {}\n".format(__file__,
  68. " ".join(p_choices),
  69. " ".join(s_choices)))
  70. def main(p_choices, s_choices):
  71. problems = [PROBLEMS[i-1] for i in map(int, p_choices)]
  72. searches = [SEARCHES[i-1] for i in map(int, s_choices)]
  73. for pname, p in problems:
  74. for sname, s, h in searches:
  75. hstring = h if not h else " with {}".format(h)
  76. print("\nSolving {} using {}{}...".format(pname, sname, hstring))
  77. _p = p()
  78. _h = None if not h else getattr(_p, h)
  79. run_search(_p, s, _h)
  80. def show_solution(node, elapsed_time):
  81. if node is None:
  82. print("The selected planner did not find a solution for this problem. " +
  83. "Make sure you have completed the AirCargoProblem implementation " +
  84. "and pass all unit tests first.")
  85. else:
  86. print("Plan length: {} Time elapsed in seconds: {}".format(len(node.solution()), elapsed_time))
  87. for action in node.solution():
  88. print("{}{}".format(, action.args))
  89. if __name__=="__main__":
  90. parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Solve air cargo planning problems " +
  91. "using a variety of state space search methods including uninformed, greedy, " +
  92. "and informed heuristic search.")
  93. parser.add_argument('-m', '--manual', action="store_true",
  94. help="Interactively select the problems and searches to run.")
  95. parser.add_argument('-p', '--problems', nargs="+", choices=range(1, len(PROBLEMS)+1), type=int, metavar='',
  96. help="Specify the indices of the problems to solve as a list of space separated values. Choose from: {!s}".format(list(range(1, len(PROBLEMS)+1))))
  97. parser.add_argument('-s', '--searches', nargs="+", choices=range(1, len(SEARCHES)+1), type=int, metavar='',
  98. help="Specify the indices of the search algorithms to use as a list of space separated values. Choose from: {!s}".format(list(range(1, len(SEARCHES)+1))))
  99. args = parser.parse_args()
  100. if args.manual:
  101. manual()
  102. elif args.problems and args.searches:
  103. main(list(sorted(set(args.problems))), list(sorted(set((args.searches)))))
  104. else:
  105. print()
  106. parser.print_help()
  107. print(INVALID_ARG_MSG)
  108. print("Problems\n-----------------")
  109. for idx, (name, _) in enumerate(PROBLEMS):
  110. print(" {!s}. {}".format(idx+1, name))
  111. print()
  112. print("Search Algorithms\n-----------------")
  113. for idx, (name, _, heuristic) in enumerate(SEARCHES):
  114. print(" {!s}. {} {}".format(idx+1, name, heuristic))
  115. print()
  116. print("Use manual mode for interactive selection:\n\n\tpython -m\n")