import argparse from timeit import default_timer as timer from import InstrumentedProblem from import (breadth_first_search, astar_search, breadth_first_tree_search, depth_first_graph_search, uniform_cost_search, greedy_best_first_graph_search, depth_limited_search, recursive_best_first_search) from my_air_cargo_problems import air_cargo_p1, air_cargo_p2, air_cargo_p3 PROBLEM_CHOICE_MSG = """ Select from the following list of air cargo problems. You may choose more than one by entering multiple selections separated by spaces. """ SEARCH_METHOD_CHOICE_MSG = """ Select from the following list of search functions. You may choose more than one by entering multiple selections separated by spaces. """ INVALID_ARG_MSG = """ You must either use the -m flag to run in manual mode, or use both the -p and -s flags to specify a list of problems and search algorithms to run. Valid choices for each include: """ PROBLEMS = [["Air Cargo Problem 1", air_cargo_p1], ["Air Cargo Problem 2", air_cargo_p2], ["Air Cargo Problem 3", air_cargo_p3]] SEARCHES = [["breadth_first_search", breadth_first_search, ""], ['breadth_first_tree_search', breadth_first_tree_search, ""], ['depth_first_graph_search', depth_first_graph_search, ""], ['depth_limited_search', depth_limited_search, ""], ['uniform_cost_search', uniform_cost_search, ""], ['recursive_best_first_search', recursive_best_first_search, 'h_1'], ['greedy_best_first_graph_search', greedy_best_first_graph_search, 'h_1'], ['astar_search', astar_search, 'h_1'], ['astar_search', astar_search, 'h_ignore_preconditions'], ['astar_search', astar_search, 'h_pg_levelsum'], ] class PrintableProblem(InstrumentedProblem): """ InstrumentedProblem keeps track of stats during search, and this class modifies the print output of those statistics for air cargo problems. """ def __repr__(self): return '{:^10d} {:^10d} {:^10d}'.format(self.succs, self.goal_tests, self.states) def run_search(problem, search_function, parameter=None): start = timer() ip = PrintableProblem(problem) if parameter is not None: node = search_function(ip, parameter) else: node = search_function(ip) end = timer() print("\nExpansions Goal Tests New Nodes") print("{}\n".format(ip)) show_solution(node, end - start) print() def manual(): print(PROBLEM_CHOICE_MSG) for idx, (name, _) in enumerate(PROBLEMS): print(" {!s}. {}".format(idx+1, name)) p_choices = input("> ").split() print(SEARCH_METHOD_CHOICE_MSG) for idx, (name, _, heuristic) in enumerate(SEARCHES): print(" {!s}. {} {}".format(idx+1, name, heuristic)) s_choices = input("> ").split() main(p_choices, s_choices) print("\nYou can run this selection again automatically from the command " + "line\nwith the following command:") print("\n python {} -p {} -s {}\n".format(__file__, " ".join(p_choices), " ".join(s_choices))) def main(p_choices, s_choices): problems = [PROBLEMS[i-1] for i in map(int, p_choices)] searches = [SEARCHES[i-1] for i in map(int, s_choices)] for pname, p in problems: for sname, s, h in searches: hstring = h if not h else " with {}".format(h) print("\nSolving {} using {}{}...".format(pname, sname, hstring)) _p = p() _h = None if not h else getattr(_p, h) run_search(_p, s, _h) def show_solution(node, elapsed_time): if node is None: print("The selected planner did not find a solution for this problem. " + "Make sure you have completed the AirCargoProblem implementation " + "and pass all unit tests first.") else: print("Plan length: {} Time elapsed in seconds: {}".format(len(node.solution()), elapsed_time)) for action in node.solution(): print("{}{}".format(, action.args)) if __name__=="__main__": parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Solve air cargo planning problems " + "using a variety of state space search methods including uninformed, greedy, " + "and informed heuristic search.") parser.add_argument('-m', '--manual', action="store_true", help="Interactively select the problems and searches to run.") parser.add_argument('-p', '--problems', nargs="+", choices=range(1, len(PROBLEMS)+1), type=int, metavar='', help="Specify the indices of the problems to solve as a list of space separated values. Choose from: {!s}".format(list(range(1, len(PROBLEMS)+1)))) parser.add_argument('-s', '--searches', nargs="+", choices=range(1, len(SEARCHES)+1), type=int, metavar='', help="Specify the indices of the search algorithms to use as a list of space separated values. Choose from: {!s}".format(list(range(1, len(SEARCHES)+1)))) args = parser.parse_args() if args.manual: manual() elif args.problems and args.searches: main(list(sorted(set(args.problems))), list(sorted(set((args.searches))))) else: print() parser.print_help() print(INVALID_ARG_MSG) print("Problems\n-----------------") for idx, (name, _) in enumerate(PROBLEMS): print(" {!s}. {}".format(idx+1, name)) print() print("Search Algorithms\n-----------------") for idx, (name, _, heuristic) in enumerate(SEARCHES): print(" {!s}. {} {}".format(idx+1, name, heuristic)) print() print("Use manual mode for interactive selection:\n\n\tpython -m\n")