from aimacode.logic import PropKB from aimacode.planning import Action from import ( Node, Problem, ) from aimacode.utils import expr from lp_utils import ( FluentState, encode_state, decode_state, ) from my_planning_graph import PlanningGraph from functools import lru_cache class AirCargoProblem(Problem): def __init__(self, cargos, planes, airports, initial: FluentState, \ goal: list): """ :param cargos: list of str cargos in the problem :param planes: list of str planes in the problem :param airports: list of str airports in the problem :param initial: FluentState object positive and negative literal fluents (as expr) describing initial state :param goal: list of expr literal fluents required for goal test """ self.state_map = initial.pos + initial.neg self.initial_state_TF = encode_state(initial, self.state_map) Problem.__init__(self, self.initial_state_TF, goal=goal) self.cargos = cargos self.planes = planes self.airports = airports self.actions_list = self.get_actions() def get_actions(self): """ This method creates concrete actions (no variables) for all actions in the problem domain action schema and turns them into complete Action objects as defined in the aimacode.planning module. It is computationally expensive to call this method directly; however, it is called in the constructor and the results cached in the `actions_list` property. RETURNS: list list of Action objects """ def load_actions(): """Create all concrete Load actions and return a list. :return: list of Action objects """ loads = [] for cargo in self.cargos: for plane in self.planes: for airport in self.airports: precond_pos = [ expr("At({}, {})".format(cargo, airport)), expr("At({}, {})".format(plane, airport)) ] precond_neg = [] effect_add = [expr("In({}, {})".format(cargo, plane))] effect_rem = [expr("At({}, {})".format(cargo, airport))] load = Action ( expr("Load({}, {}, {})"\ .format(cargo, plane, airport)), [precond_pos, precond_neg], [effect_add, effect_rem] ) loads.append(load) return loads def unload_actions(): """Create all concrete Unload actions and return a list. :return: list of Action objects """ unloads = [] for cargo in self.cargos: for plane in self.planes: for airport in self.airports: precond_pos = [ expr("In({}, {})".format(cargo, plane)), expr("At({}, {})".format(plane, airport)) ] precond_neg = [] effect_add = [expr("At({}, {})".format(cargo, airport))] effect_rem = [expr("In({}, {})".format(cargo, plane))] unload = Action ( expr("Unload({}, {}, {})"\ .format(cargo, plane, airport)), [precond_pos, precond_neg], [effect_add, effect_rem] ) unloads.append(unload) return unloads def fly_actions(): """Create all concrete Fly actions and return a list. :return: list of Action objects """ flys = [] for fr in self.airports: for to in self.airports: if fr != to: for p in self.planes: precond_pos = [expr("At({}, {})".format(p, fr)), ] precond_neg = [] effect_add = [expr("At({}, {})".format(p, to))] effect_rem = [expr("At({}, {})".format(p, fr))] fly = Action(expr("Fly({}, {}, {})"\ .format(p, fr, to)), [precond_pos, precond_neg], [effect_add, effect_rem]) flys.append(fly) return flys return load_actions() + unload_actions() + fly_actions() def actions(self, state: str) -> list: """Return the actions that can be executed in the given state. :param state: str state represented as T/F string of mapped fluents (state variables) e.g. 'FTTTFF' :return: list of Action objects """ kb = PropKB() kb.tell(decode_state(state, self.state_map).pos_sentence()) possible_actions = [] for action in self.actions_list: # Assume action is possible is_action_possible = True for c in action.precond_neg: if c in kb.clauses: is_action_possible = False break # No need to continue search # Only check if action is still possible if is_action_possible: for c in action.precond_pos: if c not in kb.clauses: is_action_possible = False break # No need to continue search if is_action_possible: possible_actions.append(action) return possible_actions def result(self, state: str, action: Action): """ Return the state that results from executing the given action in the given state. The action must be one of self.actions(state). :param state: state entering node :param action: Action applied :return: resulting state after action """ prev_state = decode_state(state, self.state_map) next_state = FluentState([], []) for fluent in prev_state.pos: if fluent not in action.effect_rem: next_state.pos.append(fluent) for fluent in prev_state.neg: if fluent not in action.effect_add: next_state.neg.append(fluent) for fluent in action.effect_add: if fluent not in next_state.pos: next_state.pos.append(fluent) for fluent in action.effect_rem: if fluent not in next_state.neg: next_state.neg.append(fluent) return encode_state(next_state, self.state_map) def goal_test(self, state: str) -> bool: """ Test the state to see if goal is reached :param state: str representing state :return: bool """ kb = PropKB() kb.tell(decode_state(state, self.state_map).pos_sentence()) for clause in self.goal: if clause not in kb.clauses: return False return True def h_1(self, node: Node): # Note that this is not a true heuristic h_const = 1 return h_const # @lru_cache(maxsize=8192) def h_pg_levelsum(self, node: Node): """This heuristic uses a planning graph representation of the problem state space to estimate the sum of all actions that must be carried out from the current state in order to satisfy each individual goal condition. """ # Requires implemented PlanningGraph class pg = PlanningGraph(self, node.state) pg_levelsum = pg.h_levelsum() return pg_levelsum # @lru_cache(maxsize=8192) def h_ignore_preconditions(self, node: Node): """This heuristic estimates the minimum number of actions that must be carried out from the current state in order to satisfy all of the goal conditions by ignoring the preconditions required for an action to be executed. """ kb = PropKB() kb.tell(decode_state(node.state, self.state_map).pos_sentence()) kb_clauses = kb.clauses actions_count = 0 for clause in self.goal: if clause not in kb_clauses: actions_count += 1 return actions_count def air_cargo_p1() -> AirCargoProblem: cargos = ['C1', 'C2'] planes = ['P1', 'P2'] airports = ['JFK', 'SFO'] pos = [ expr('At(C1, SFO)'), expr('At(C2, JFK)'), expr('At(P1, SFO)'), expr('At(P2, JFK)'), ] neg = [ expr('At(C2, SFO)'), expr('In(C2, P1)'), expr('In(C2, P2)'), expr('At(C1, JFK)'), expr('In(C1, P1)'), expr('In(C1, P2)'), expr('At(P1, JFK)'), expr('At(P2, SFO)'), ] init = FluentState(pos, neg) goal = [ expr('At(C1, JFK)'), expr('At(C2, SFO)'), ] return AirCargoProblem(cargos, planes, airports, init, goal) def air_cargo_p2() -> AirCargoProblem: cargos = ['C1', 'C2', 'C3'] planes = ['P1', 'P2', 'P3'] airports = ['JFK', 'SFO', 'ATL'] pos = [ expr('At(C1, SFO)'), expr('At(C2, JFK)'), expr('At(C3, ATL)'), expr('At(P1, SFO)'), expr('At(P2, JFK)'), expr('At(P3, ATL)') ] neg = [ expr('At(C1, JFK)'), expr('At(C1, ATL)'), expr('In(C1, P1)'), expr('In(C1, P2)'), expr('In(C1, P3)'), expr('At(C2, SFO)'), expr('At(C2, ATL)'), expr('In(C2, P1)'), expr('In(C2, P2)'), expr('In(C2, P3)'), expr('At(C3, SFO)'), expr('At(C3, JFK)'), expr('In(C3, P1)'), expr('In(C3, P2)'), expr('In(C3, P3)'), expr('At(P1, JFK)'), expr('At(P1, ATL)'), expr('At(P2, SFO)'), expr('At(P2, ATL)'), expr('At(P3, JFK)'), expr('At(P3, SFO)') ] init = FluentState(pos, neg) goal = [ expr('At(C1, JFK)'), expr('At(C2, SFO)'), expr('At(C3, SFO)') ] return AirCargoProblem(cargos, planes, airports, init, goal) def air_cargo_p3() -> AirCargoProblem: cargos = ['C1', 'C2', 'C3', 'C4'] planes = ['P1', 'P2'] airports = ['JFK', 'SFO', 'ATL', 'ORD'] pos = [ expr('At(C1, SFO)'), expr('At(C2, JFK)'), expr('At(C3, ATL)'), expr('At(C4, ORD)'), expr('At(P1, SFO)'), expr('At(P2, JFK)') ] neg = [ expr('At(C1, JFK)'), expr('At(C1, ATL)'), expr('At(C1, ORD)'), expr('In(C1, P1)'), expr('In(C1, P2)'), expr('At(C2, SFO)'), expr('At(C2, ATL)'), expr('At(C2, ORD)'), expr('In(C2, P1)'), expr('In(C2, P2)'), expr('At(C3, SFO)'), expr('At(C3, JFK)'), expr('At(C3, ORD)'), expr('In(C3, P1)'), expr('In(C3, P2)'), expr('At(C4, SFO)'), expr('At(C4, JFK)'), expr('At(C4, ATL)'), expr('In(C4, P1)'), expr('In(C4, P2)'), expr('At(P1, JFK)'), expr('At(P1, ATL)'), expr('At(P1, ORD)'), expr('At(P2, SFO)'), expr('At(P2, ATL)'), expr('At(P2, ORD)') ] init = FluentState(pos, neg) goal = [ expr('At(C1, JFK)'), expr('At(C3, JFK)'), expr('At(C2, SFO)'), expr('At(C4, SFO)') ] return AirCargoProblem(cargos, planes, airports, init, goal)